Tips On How To Prevent Leakages For Frameless Shower Door Seals
Caulking is a traditional method to fix a shower door leak, but frameless shower doors will require a different approach. These shower door types are more modern and elegant, and they might have fewer metal parts that are prone to corrosion, but this is a type of shower door that is susceptible when it comes to leaks.

Many homeowners choose the frameless shower door due to its elegance and visual appeal rather than the product’s effectiveness. The ideal method to stop leakage from occurring is to make sure the complete shower has been installed by professionals. This includes the actual door, the showerhead, and the tiling.
If you have noticed that your frameless shower door has started leaking here are the steps to follow:
Find Out Where The Leak Is Coming From
To repair a glass door that is leaking, it is important to first locate the part of the door that is leaking.
Solutions To Fix Leaks Under A Frameless Shower Door

Leaks occur more commonly in the frameless shower doors in comparison to framed doors. If you have discovered that water has started to leak under your door, you will need a shower-door sweep. Today you can find manufacturers that produce these products made from high-quality polycarbonate materials. The sweep offers a durable grip that is easy to install to the bottom part of your shower door. The shower sweep is functional and will stop water from leaking onto the floor.
Solutions To Fix Leaks On Either Side Of A Frameless Shower Door

If your frameless shower door has started to leak on one or both sides of the door, it is important to seal any gaps that occur between the adjacent glass-wall and the door. The product you will need for this fix includes a shower-door side seal which will stop the leakage problems from both sides. These door seals come in different types. Some of these include pre-tapes, push-on, along with some that feature double-sided tapes. These seal types are easy to snap onto the rail.
It is also important to examine the curb or doorsill of your shower. This part needs to be level on either side but slightly tipped towards your shower to stop water from leaking out onto your floors. If the curb or doorsill has not been positioned correctly, you should contact the company or manufacturer that you purchased the shower door from, as this is a type of warranty issue.
Handy Advice When Installing Frameless Door Sweeps And Seals

When it comes to attaching a door seal, it is important to first measure your frameless shower door, and then cut your seal according to the height of the door. It is also important to clean the area with a good quality glass cleaner before you install the seal.
Additional Tips For Leaky Showers
• Position your showerhead towards the walls rather than the door.
• You may want to think about changing your showerhead to a rain-showerhead if you are still finding leaks. This is a type of head that flows from above, which decreases the water amounts that flow onto the glass door and walls of your shower.
• Check on the hinges. It is important to look out for the build-up of limescale, rust, calcium or soap scum. All of these can interfere with how the door closes and opens, which could be the reason why your shower is leaking every time you use it.
If you are unable to find out why your frameless shower door is leaking, contact a professional shower door company or the company that originally installed the door to assist you with your repairs.